Everything you need to create, sell, and teach amazing courses

People will rave about your courses (and beg for more!)

Spend your time teaching

You want to create and teach — not waste time with technology. Get everything you need in one simple, organized place.

Simple, powerful course management

“Ruzuku truly is the best, it has everything you need in one place and makes it super easy to take an idea and blow it out into a successful class.

Shannon Kaiser
Uses Ruzuku to help people fall in love with their lives at playwiththeworld.com

Beautiful courses without the fuss

“Building the course inside Ruzuku has been simple and enjoyable… the clean look and user-friendly interface for course participants is a total dream.”

Joan Dempsey
Uses Ruzuku to help writers learn how to create valuable, publishable work

Launch your course — super fast

Setting up online training using Ruzuku gives you more time to create and sell your content, because the back end setup is all taken care of. Thanks for creating such a great product!”

Marlene Hielema
Uses Ruzuku to inspire new photographers

“I’ve looked at a lot of systems, and none offer the intuitive ease of use that Ruzuku does.”

Sara Wiseman
Uses Ruzuku to help people grow their soul at sarawiseman.com

Shape your course with joyful ease

Create a step-by-step course with text, videos, and PDFs in minutes.

See your course quickly come to life

“Your platform has made it SUPER simple for us to deliver our course in the easiest, most effective way possible.

Tom Krol
Uses Ruzuku to help explode his real estate wholesaling business at wholesalinginc.com

Content as rich as your imagination

I love this platform, both as an instructor and as a student! The Ruzuku platform holds all of the class materials—handouts, recordings, videos—so that they are always accessible online from wherever you are.”

Nancy Windheart
Uses Ruzuku to help people build a stronger connection with nature at nancywindheart.com

Video, audio, PDFs — we handle it all

“I’m really liking Ruzuku’s speedy compression engine and hosting for videos. Playback is fast, my videos look great for my students, and it’s so much easier than using an external video host. I really don’t want to have extra services attached to my courses, so being able to host my videos directly on Ruzuku is a lifesaver.”

Marlene Hielema
Uses Ruzuku to help people take amazing pictures
"Ruzuku is soooo visual, with large images and oodles of space below each image for students to comment and exchange ideas. Students watch my videos, see each other’s work online, read comments about their art from me and their fellow students. It’s an ideal place to learn from each other and interact and, most surprising, to build community."
Jane LaFazio
Helps people learn how to create their own art

Connect and lead your community

Your group will grow stronger as participants connect, help each other, and learn.

Stay engaged with your students

“The engagement emails are already coming in handy in a course I’m taking on Ruzuku! I LOVE getting that daily notification about all activity in the course — this should help our students tremendously — much easier to keep the course top-of-mind, and keep students engaged.

Joan Dempsey
Uses Ruzuku to help people improve their writing

Run fun and inspiring webinars

Ruzuku webinars are great and have used them in Australia now for several years, with no problems. They have allowed me to present training with slides, so participants see me and the slides and can use the chatbox — everything happens within the platform.”

Sarah Moore
Helps early education leaders level up at earlyeducationleadership.com

Help students track their achievement

“It’s a killer app in terms of continuity, clarity, and engagement, because it allows students to see their own progress all in one place.

Pratt Bennett
Uses Ruzuku to help teachers teach the way students' brains learn

Empower students to help each other

“I love this platform, especially the online community where you can interact with other students and the course teacher.”

Nancy Windheart
Uses Ruzuku to help people build a stronger connection with nature at nancywindheart.com
“I'm having a great experience with Ruzuku. I was doing a successful class on another platform and needed a place to expand the business, to be able to charge what the class was worth, and to be able to have an auto-delivery system that works for me. I have since expanded to more courses, and overall, I'm really liking the experience!
Becca Syme
Helps people write faster and better at betterfasteracademy.com

Make your cash register ring

Students sign up and pay for your course. They log into a secure, private space to access the course materials. You get payments right in your PayPal or Stripe account.

Subscription, Payment Plans or Single Payments

With flexible subscriptions, payment plans and single payments you can charge in ways that work for your students and your course material.

Take payments in a snap

“By far the easiest payment and registration system that I've seen!”

Becca Syme
Helps people write faster and better at betterfasteracademy.com

Our sales page or yours

“Love being able to send people directly to the ‘register and pay’ page on Ruzuku, especially as I use my own landing pages on my website. And it’s great that Ruzuku prompts my students to share my landing page on social media after they sign up!”

Marlene Hielema
Uses Ruzuku to help people take amazing pictures at imagemaven.com

Let's make a deal

Coupons help make your students an offer they won't refuse!

Offer special pricing for early bird signups and repeat students using coupons.

It's a quick and easy way to increase course participation and show your students you appreciate them.

"This was our online learning/training platform in my last job, where I developed online training and curriculum for several years. Ruzuku's team and platform were a joy and made possible the breakthroughs that led to our national org's growth & my freedom to move on professionally to new projects! We tried many platforms over the years -; and I taught on many as a college professor before that. Ruzuku has been the best in ease of access, upgrade and support."
Donovan W. Ackley II

We’ve got your back

Ridiculously friendly support for you AND your students.

Help when you need it

“I LOVE Ruzuku - especially because you and your team are so available to help!”

Liz Christoffersen
Helps guide leaders who desire an inspired career at empowerconsultinggroup.com

We believe in you

“I’ve been extremely impressed by the quality of presence that you bring to your interactions with your clients. You truly embody exceptional, relationship-oriented service.

Dave DePalma
Uses Ruzuku to help people connect with their HeartVoice

Launch your course into the stratosphere

“I love what your team is doing with your courses on HOW TO develop and promote online courses. Your approach is really practical and helpful and SO NEEDED by all those entrepreneurs out there who are trying to figure it all out.”

Megan Everett
Uses Ruzuku to help businesses thrive
"I just want to tell you that its so obvious you put so much care and effort into Ruzuku. I got a totally guided experience, learning things that aren't just technical but that enhanced my style and effectiveness. THANK YOU!!!!!"
Laura Volpintesta
Uses Ruzuku to teach people fashion design at fashionillustrationtribe.com

Run courses on your own website domain with Ruzuku Pro...

  • Enhance your digital presence with Ruzuku Pro, offering your course directly through a single domain. Instead of directing students to https://Ruzuku.com, welcome them to log in on your site with a customized URL like https://courses.YOURWEBSITENAME.com
  • Provide students with a more seamless experience when you customize your login screen. With Ruzuku Pro, you’ll be able to use your own colors, logos, and company name in the login and welcome sections of your course or program. This keeps your brand front and center and allows Ruzuku to provide near-invisible support for your students and your business.
  • Scale without limits when you invite multiple instructors to teach under your brand. While the regular Ruzuku platform allows you to have as many students as you can handle, you’re the only person who can effectively teach the course. With Ruzuku Pro, you can create additional instructor profiles for your courses, and invite others to teach with you, under your brand. If you plan to scale your individual courses or your course business, this feature is a must-have.
  • Provide a unique experience for your students with customized profile fields. With regular Ruzuku, your students sign up with their name and email address, and fill out a basic profile for their student account. But what if you need to know more about them? With Ruzuku Pro you can add extra fields to those forms, allowing you to get information you may need to improve the course, the student experience, or your future marketing efforts—right up front.
  • Take full administrator control of your website and offerings. That includes access to student accounts and profiles, new student account creation, instructor accounts, added customization levels for your courses and programs, and more.
  • Unleash your creativity in teaching with increased video data hosting. In addition to an unlimited amount of videos, you’ll get doubled hosting capacity for individual videos—up to 4 gigabytes per video. This means you’ll be able to upload and use longer, higher quality videos for your programs and courses.

Have questions about Ruzuku Pro?

Book a FREE 30-minute Course Clarity Call. In our no-pressure exploration call we'll help you determine if Ruzuku or Ruzuku Pro is the right fit for you!

Yes! We have all these commonly-requested features…

Accept payments through Stripe, PayPal or your own payment system
Create free courses
Invite or remove participants from courses
Integrate with Zapier to 1000+ applications, including Mailchimp and Active Campaign
Live (scheduled calendar-based) courses with automatic email notifications
On Demand (aka Evergreen) courses with drip content
Open Access (aka Self-Directed) courses
Copy a previous course and run it again
Host and stream audio and video
Host and display PDFs, Word, PPT, and other files
Host just about any file for download
Global Content Delivery Network (CDN)
Daily backups
Students have social profiles, bios, and photos in the course community
Discussion questions/prompts for specific activities/content
Students can post images, PDFs, and videos in their responses
General course-wide Q&A and forum and private DM chats
Receive email notifications when a student posts a question
Send email announcements to all participants in course
Students can mark each activity as “complete”, and track their own progress
Course Health feature shows students’ activity completion and comment rates, with data for the whole course or by lesson
Zoom integration,
With automatic recording and upload to the course afterwards.
Host video broadcasts with slides, group chat, and automatic recording
Easy access to support via, Email, Facebook Group, Knowledge Base, Training Courses, and Tutorials
Your students ALSO have easy access to support as they register, pay, and access your courses
Private student assignments. Approve, deny and provide feed back to students all within the course. 
*Pro Only* Auto generated course completion certificate
*Pro Only* Offer your courses in our own 'storefront'. Allowing students to browse and sign up for your courses.
Offer course bundles.
Determine a student's access, with progress requirements, access limits, free trial limits, price point limits and more..