Accept payments through Stripe, PayPal or your own payment system
Create free courses

Invite or remove participants from courses

Integrate with Zapier to 1000+ applications, including Mailchimp and Active Campaign

Live (scheduled calendar-based) courses with automatic email notifications

On Demand (aka Evergreen) courses with drip content

Open Access (aka Self-Directed) courses
Copy a previous course and run it again

Host and stream audio and video

Host and display PDFs, Word, PPT, and other files

Host just about any file for download

Global Content Delivery Network (CDN)

Daily backups

Students have social profiles, bios, and photos in the course community
Discussion questions/prompts for specific activities/content
Students can post images, PDFs, and videos in their responses

General course-wide Q&A and forum and private DM chats

Receive email notifications when a student posts a question

Send email announcements to all participants in course
Students can mark each activity as “complete”, and track their own progress
Course Health feature shows students’ activity completion and comment rates, with data for the whole course or by lesson

Zoom integration,
With automatic recording and upload to the course afterwards.

Host video broadcasts with slides, group chat, and automatic recording
Easy access to support via, Email, Facebook Group, Knowledge Base, Training Courses, and Tutorials
Your students ALSO have easy access to support as they register, pay, and access your courses

Private student assignments. Approve, deny and provide feed back to students all within the course.

*Pro Only* Auto generated course completion certificate
*Pro Only* Offer your courses in our own 'storefront'. Allowing students to browse and sign up for your courses.
Offer course bundles.
Determine a student's access, with progress requirements, access limits, free trial limits, price point limits and more..